Atlas socio-économique du Loir-et-Cher - Page d'accueil

Atlas socio-économique du Loir-et-Cher - Page d'accueil

The French Loir-et-Cher territorial information platform - Pilote41

The Observatory of Economy and Territories is a French association working for the development of the territories in the Loir-et-Cher and neighboring Departments. This association reunites a large number of partners - communities, consular chambers, intermunicipal institutions, municipalities - with the same objective: centralize a wide range of resources to facilitate access to the territories' knowledge for public decision-makers, economic actors, citizens, etc. She relies on her territorial information platform named "Pilote41" and her several geostatistical observatories, such as the socio-economic Atlas of the French Loir-et-Cher Department.

The observatory offers more than 300 geolocalized indicators and a multitude of statistical data relating about population, economics situation, accommodations, services to the citizens, environment, assets, local public finances, etc.

Discover the observatory