Entries by La rédaction

National Observatory of Frailty Situations moves to Géoclip Air

Thanks to Géoclip Air, the National Observatory of Frailty Situations of Carsat offices makes composite indicators of territorial diagnosis accessible, in a secure manner: the statistical secrecy rules are carefully respected. The publication of these indicators was made possible as a result of extensive work by the Carsats on methodological harmonisation between the different funds and pension schemes.

Selecting geographic units on a map

The geographic selection tools provided by a Géoclip Air observatory make it easy to define a customised territory by acting directly on the map or by defining conditions on the values of some indicators. Regardless of the geographical selection, the indicator values for the selection are computed automatically.

Playing with statistical data

Playing with statistics helps to understand and that's what Géoclip Air is all about. Here is an example, based on the data concerning the population evolution in France between 2010 and 2015, which has just been published by INSEE.

Geoclip, it’s like an iceberg!

Performance, security and accessibility are three key points that we always have in mind. For the first two, Géoclip successfully passed the scalability and security tests carried out on behalf of INSEE. Fruit of an upstream work with a specialist service provider, Géoclip also achieves a good level of accessibility.

Waiting for Christmas 2017

In December 2016, we invited you to follow us in an Advent Calendar, without chocolate, but which disclosed, day after day, the main innovations that the future new version Géoclip Air would propose. A year later, our 2017 Advent Calendar still won't offer you chocolate, but will show you in pictures how the announcements a year ago turned into reality.

Observatories for any territories

No matter the size of the territory, Géoclip Server deploys all its visualization, representation, analysis and synthesis power. This is the choice made by the Val de Garonne Agglomération intermunicipal establishment, as well as the municipality of Clichy-sous-Bois.