Entries by La rédaction

Ciril GROUP’s business continuity planning

Like everyone else, people working for Géoclip are coping with the context imposed by the Covid-19 pandemic. Our hope is that everyone will find the resources to get through this exceptional situation in the best possible conditions. Within our teams, we are making every effort to ensure that our activities carry on. Ciril GROUP thus sets up a business continuity planning, whose objectives are to contribute to slow down the pandemic, while preserving the economic activity.

Exploring the health conditions in England

Local Health, released by Public Health England, provides access to a wealth of local statistical data on health in England. One of its distinctive features is to offer "area profiles", comparative diagrams, between a selected territory and the whole of England.

The “Observatoire des Votes en France” is back

The Observatoire des Votes en France is a "home-made" observatory, just like France découverte. It allows us to illustrate by example the advantages of using Géoclip to explore, analyze and make sense of geolocalized statistical data. The OVF provides access to the results of all the elections held in France since 1995.

Connecting observatories

How to access indicators of one observatory from another observatory, for instance the "Observatoire des territoires" and "France découvert"? Thanks to the TJS standard, a Géoclip observatory can be both a client and a server, thus facilitating data sharing in an "open data" approach.

Mapping point data thanks to OFME

The Observatoire régional de la forêt méditerranéenne en Provence (OFME) is putting online the new version of its "interactive map library", powered by Géoclip Air. Among the many indicators relating to forests, several are associated with punctual geographical layers: buildings, companies, amenities...

Visualize the education system in map and colours

It is with great enthusiasm that we have taken a look at the typology to describe the educational system that Depp (Ministry of Education) has just published. It is the result of a very comprehensive study, based on advanced statistical methods. It was both tempting and very simple to add a new indicator in France découverte: Territories > Typologies > typology for the education system.

Geoclip on the other side of the Pyrenees mountains

The Interactive Atlas of Spain is an important part of the Atlas National de España site. This is the extra word "interactive" that makes all the difference, a "plus" to which the administrators of this tool are very attached and which led to the choice of Géoclip, for a really interactive atlas! Choose an indicator, change your geographical level, adjust the parameters of cartographic representations, visualize evolutions and comparisons, everything is at your fingertips.