The French Regional Risk Observatory of Nouvelle-Aquitaine - Home

Observatoire Régional des Risques Nouvelle-Aquitaine (ORRNA) - Page d'accueil

The French Regional Risk Observatory of Nouvelle-Aquitaine - The French Land Development and Risk Control Public Interest Group

The French Land Development and Risk Control Public Interest Group works to centralize and disseminate data about land-use planning, prevention and management of natural, technological and health risks, as well as management in the event of a crisis, with the aim of having a detailed knowledge of the territory to facilitate decision-making. The French Land Development and Risk Control Public Interest Group collaborates with a number of public partners in the French Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region and the French Government.

The Regional Risk Observatory of Nouvelle-Aquitaine provides a geostatistical observatory for territorial decision-makers and public at large, which enables to map a wide range of indicators related to risk management issues. It also allows to draw up portraits of territories by describing and/or comparing several zones according to 6 geographical levels, one of which the territories at significant risk of flooding.

"The observatory facilitates the sharing and dissemination of information related to risks in order to better know, better understand and therefore better act, each at our scale, on our territory".

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