Observatoire Territorial des Transports de Martinique - Accueil

Observatoire Territorial des Transports de Martinique - Accueil

Territorial Observatory of Transport in Martinique - Agency for Sustainable Development, Urban Planning and Development of Martinique

Since 2011, the Territorial Observatory of Transport in Martinique studies and collects data on mobility in Martinique. The Agency proposes on its dedicated website to promote and disseminate these data in order to make them more easily accessible to various actors - partners, general public, etc. As well as the Territorial Observatory of Martinique, the geostatistical observatory is based on Géoclip.

The studied themes concern the moves, the means of transportation, the equipment of the households in passenger cars, the accidentology, etc. Some indicators concern the shifting residence - study and residence - work . These bi-localized data (place of residence - workplace for instance) require a particular mode of representation, in order to obtain a cartography of flow.

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